We're delighted to have Soren Johnson, co-founder of Trinity House, on the show!
Soren and Ever Johnson are founders of Trinity House, and Joseph had a chance to sit down with Soren and discuss what makes a home really imitate the love of the Trinity.
The mission of Trinity House Community is to inspire families to make home a taste of heaven for the renewal of faith and culture.
Consider launching a Trinity House Community Group for families at your parish. For just $499/year, this turn-key model offers families a "date night + family night" experience and is now blessing families at 34 parishes in 14 states!
Subscribe to receive Soren & Ever's weekly Heaven in Your Home Lettershere. Every Tuesday, you'll receive inspiring stories and practical tools for your own "Trinity House."
Check out their Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide: Inspiration & Tools for Building a Trinity House (Amazon, $24.99)
Print up the Heaven in Your Home Flowchart and hang it on your fridge as a reference point for your family's growing life in Christ!
Visit their ministry's Trinity House Cafe + Market, which offers "a little taste of heaven at the corner of Church & Market Streets" in the heart of old town Leesburg, VA.