A Word from Our Outpost: Faithful Formation for Catholic Missionary Disciples

Redeeming Institutions // Episode 10

Episode Summary

Joseph and Crystal have a conversation about institutions, what they are, why they’re important, and how we can best participate in them. Their long term end, or telos, as well as their short term purpose, or scope, is discussed as well as how that affects our perception of the goodness (or lack thereof) within particular institutions. This conversation will (hopefully) help to redeem the way we think about institutions and how they can help shape us for the better, into the saints we were made to be. Inspired by the book True Leadership from the Habiger Institute for Catholic Leadership: https://www.stthomas.edu/media/catholicstudies/center/ryan/publications/publicationpdfs/trueleadership/TrueLeadershipFinal.pdf and https://www.amazon.com/True-Leadership-Habiger-Institute-Catholic/dp/1944418717

Episode Notes

Joseph and Crystal have a conversation about institutions, what they are, why they’re important, and how we can best participate in them. Their long term end, or telos, as well as their short term purpose, or scope, is discussed as well as how that affects our perception of the goodness (or lack thereof) within particular institutions.

This conversation will (hopefully) help to redeem the way we think about institutions and how they can help shape us for the better, into the saints we were made to be.

Inspired by the book True Leadership from the Habiger Institute for Catholic Leadership: https://www.stthomas.edu/media/catholicstudies/center/ryan/publications/publicationpdfs/trueleadership/TrueLeadershipFinal.pdf and https://www.amazon.com/True-Leadership-Habiger-Institute-Catholic/dp/1944418717